You are able for various payments related to your insurance, energy, telephony, tax liabilities and much more with the Dog’s Payment Institution S.A. Bill Payment Service.
What do you need to pay a bill?
– The bill you want to pay and the Reference Number (RF Code)
– The total amount in cash.
How long will take for the payment to appear into the organization?
Payments and their appearance vary based on the account to which you submit the payment. For more information, contact the
customer service department of the organization for which you are paying the bill. Payments through Dog’s Payment Institution
S.A. dealerships do not differ from those of Banking Institutions.
How can I cancel my payment and get my money back?
For any change, cancellation, refund of payment must be approved by the organization to which you have instructed to send
the money and based exclusive on their policies and schedules. Dog’s Payment Institution S.A. does not guarantee a refund after
the payment has been made.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dog Payment Institution S.A. at the phone numbers or emails listed
on our website.